Where Should I Start?

Depending on your current situation and goals, you may be best suited to start with a specific level or class. We encourage you to set up a consultation so that you have a clear vision of what your intended outcome is and establish a path to realize it.

I Want To Get Started. What Are My Financing Options?

Many people get started in different ways using different strategies. Set up a consultation so that you can determine the best plan for you.

How Long Will It Take To Go Through The Education?

Your progress through the curriculum depends on how much time and effort you dedicate to taking the classes. We recommend attending weekly Study Groups, Coaching and Mastermind Sessions to ensure that you are staying on track and moving forward towards your goals. 

Do I Need Previous Experience In Real Estate Or Finance?

No experience is necessary to participate and learn, however, any additional experience you bring to the table is always a benefit. The curriculum is comprehensive, so you will work your way through the basics to more advanced concepts and strategies. 

Does This Education Work?

Although no results are guaranteed or typical, our experience has been that people who study the education, practice it, and apply it have been able to achieve their intended goals.

I Want To Do A Real Estate Deal Now. Why Should I Invest In Education First?

Our philosophy is that education is the best way to mitigate risk. It’s much easier to learn from other’s mistakes than to learn from your own. Learning to protect yourself and your assets from harm can save money, time, and headaches.

What Do I Do If I Have Questions About The Material?

It is very common to encounter questions that require clarification while going through the course material. You will be able to receive answers to  your questions during the weekly, study groups, coaching calls, mastermind meetings, and supplementary resources. 

What If I Still Have Questions?

Feel free to contact us to set up a consultation, and we will be happy to answer any additional questions you may have.

"For my highest good, and the highest good of all concerned".

Cicero, Philosopher